Ignatian spirituality
The spirituality of the Helpers is based on Ignatian spirituality. In it, Mary of Providence discovered the desire to act for the greater glory of God and the principles of a religious life within the world.
The heart of a Helper’s life is, above all, to walk day by day with Christ. A personal friendship with Jesus is the foundation of her religious life.
Following in the footsteps of Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, the Helper is convinced that God can be found in today’s world. She dedicates her life to this search, both personally and by helping others to find God in all things.
A way of praying with the Gospel through silent prayer and contemplation of the actions and words of Jesus, with a view to better loving and following Him.
- Spiritual discernment: an attentiveness to inner movements that helps to detect God’s liberating call and make the right decision.
- Revisiting: A reflection over time, not only on what has been done but also on what it has made us feel.
- Seeking the greater glory of God: A desire to engage one’s freedom concretely, aiming for a life that is freer and more fruitful.
- A positive outlook: An attitude of goodwill and benevolence towards people and the world, which are saved by God. Before judging or condemning, listen all the way through.
- The willingness to go beyond boundaries:
• By accompanying, with Christ who transcends death, those who are going through transitions, the forgotten, those who suffer, or those searching for meaning.
• By believing in the communion of Saints, which calls for genuine solidarity among all people - Contemplation in action: For a Helper, prayer and action in the world are not mutually exclusive. Engaging in the world means collaborating with God’s action, which transforms and purifies beyond all boundaries, even those of death.