Formation of the Sisters
Five stages help deepen the choice to become a Helper: the time for discerning one’s motivations, the candidacy, the novitiate, the profession of temporary vows, and then final vows.
These are essential steps to recognizing one’s Ignatian apostolic religious vocation: “Touched by the love of Christ, I desire to centre my life on Him, to love and serve the world of today, to be a witness to the growing Kingdom, and to seek God in all things.”
At the outset, the young woman recognizes within herself a call to religious life, as defined by a Catholic congregation: following Christ according to the vows of poverty, chastity in celibacy, and obedience.
This call must be identified, and the young woman should take the time to reflect on it while being accompanied on her journey. A time of spiritual retreat is essential to see if she truly feels called to religious life.
If the invitation to religious life is confirmed, and she feels that the Institute of the Helpers of the Souls in Purgatory can meet her desire to follow Christ in this form of life, she then contacts the Sisters closest to where she lives. This is a stage of mutual acquaintance with no commitment from either side.
If these initial contacts seem fruitful and in line with her deep desire for religious life, and if she feels that the charism of the Institute speaks to her, she can then move on to the next stage. If her application is accepted, the congregation offers her a period of candidacy.
The length and form of the application vary from situation to situation, but it is generally longer when candidates apply at a younger age.
Often, this includes a period of community living to allow for an assessment of whether this lifestyle is suitable. After a retreat known as the “election retreat” (or life choice retreat) based on the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius, and if her desire is confirmed, the candidate may request to be admitted to the novitiate.
Currently, the Institute has two International novitiates: one in France (French-speaking) and the other in Nairobi, Kenya (English-speaking). The novitiate lasts two years, involving time spent in the novitiate itself, in inter-novitiate gatherings (where congregations come together for shared formation on vows, community life, study of the constitutions, etc.), and periods of external internships to experience the Institute’s mission.
Time in an apostolic community is also planned to ensure that it suits both sides.
The novitiate is a genuine time of discernment, leaving the choice open to either take vows or to continue a lay life or join another congregation or Church group. There is no other commitment other than to faithfully follow the proposed journey.
At the end of the two-year novitiate, if the novice feels affirmed in her journey, she can request to take her first vows for a duration of one to three years. If she is admitted, she joins a community while continuing her formation, either through theological or professional studies and/or engaging in an apostolate suited to her abilities.
According to canon law, the temporary profession generally lasts six years, but it can be extended to nine if necessary.
After several years of experiencing the life of a Helper, the time comes for final integration. During a special celebration, the Sister makes a lifelong commitment to live according to the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, following Christ and in the manner of the Helpers.
If these phrases resonate with you:
- I am eager to welcome the love of God deep within me, to allow myself to be transformed by Him, and to proclaim His love.
- I believe that there are no boundaries to this love… I desire to live a broad, universal, active solidarity, especially in places where the Church and the world meet.
- I wish to be close to those who are forgotten, to the neglected and to those whose human dignity has been wounded, following Jesus Christ in his Paschal Mystery.
- I feel comfortable with the Sisters I have met and the communities I have encountered.
Please reach out to the community nearest to you. We would be delighted to provide you with more information about the congregation!
If these phrases resonate with you, contact the community closest to you. We will be happy to tell you more about the congregation!
- I long to welcome God’s love deep within me, to let myself be transformed by Him and to announce it.
- I believe that there are no borders to this love… I desire to experience broad, universal, active solidarity, particularly on the
frontiers of the Church and the world.
- I want to become close to those who are forgotten, to the little ones, to those who are wounded in their human dignity, and who follow Jesus Christ in his Passover.
- I feel at ease with the Helping Sisters I met and the communities I crossed paths with.