Some Sisters live together in apartments, while others reside in houses where they can welcome individuals or groups for retreats or silence. In Graz (Austria) and Budapest (Hungary), some Helpers live in nursing homes among laypeople.
The twelve communities of the Central European entity are primarily located in urban settings (Berlin, Munich, Budapest, etc.), but in Hungary and Romania, the Sisters work in rural environments, sharing in the joys and sorrows of the local populations. The rhythm of life for each community varies according to their missions and apostolates, but there are many opportunities for sharing and prayer. The Sisters of the province gather once a year for a weekend pilgrimage or a time of work together.
Our missions
The Helpers of the Central Europe Province offer opportunities for personal and spiritual growth in their communities and elsewhere. They work in schools, parishes, hospitals, Ignatian networks, student communities, nursing homes, and institutions for the homeless, refugees, and women in distress.